DEADLINE: April 12, 2024
Quote Planning Application Reference: 2024/0300/MAF
Bluestone Energy and Anglian Water have now submitted their planning application for Staveley Solar Farm.
Local councils are listening to residents, putting communities ahead of self-serving, greenwashing corporates and landowners. So, take action today.
Visit the Rutland County Council Website
Quote this Planning Application Reference: 2024/0300/MAF
OR, write to: Planning, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP (quoting above reference)
For assistance, contact Rutland County Council’s planning department by email or telephone 01572 758400
DEADLINE: April 12, 2024
The need for renewable energy does not override either the planning concerns of local communities or environmental protections. Every household member may object, regardless of where they live. Objections should be based on ‘material considerations’ including:
Landscape and visual effect: the visual amenity of a prominent ridge in High Rutland would be ruined by industrial intrusion (panels, fencing and CCTV cameras) into open countryside
Special Protection Area: Approximately half the development site falls within a Special Protection Area (SPA). In addition, Natural England’ s guidance is for industrial solar PVs not to be sited near SPAs, RAMSARs (designated wetlands) and SSSIs (sites of special scientific interest), all of which are located nearby
Historic and cultural environment: there are extensive Conservation Areas, including a high number of Listed Buildings, in the historic villages surrounding the site, indicative of a medieval pattern of farmsteads, hamlets and villages linked by lanes
Traffic and access: traffic and noise generated during construction would be significant, with concerns about road safety and vehicular access affecting Morcott, Pilton and Wing
Nature conservation: lapwings and skylarks, both red list conservation species are present on the site. No environmental impact assessment has been undertaken
Noise and disturbance: construction will create considerable noise from traffic and piling. The constant noise of inverter units is of considerable concern to nearby
Quote Planning Application Reference: 2024/0300/MAF