Rutland Solar Action Group welcomes the Ministerial Statement on May 15 that solar farms should not be developed on Best and Most Versatile (BMV) agricultural land.
From the outset we have called for solar on roofs, not farmland.
More than half of the proposed Staveley Solar Farm site is on arable fields – and 27% on BMV land.
It is now clear this development should not – and cannot – be permitted.
We therefore call upon Rutland County Council to REFUSE planning permission.
We also call upon parish councils to request a postponement of a meeting with Bluestone Energy on June 6 to establish a Community Liaison Group.
While we recognise and encourage engagement, to do so at this time, with the purpose of discussing the distribution of cash payments, would be wholly inappropriate.
It is presumptuous on the part of the developer – and risks creating an impression of underhand tactics.
All of the local parish councils and parish meetings in the immediate vicinity OBJECTED to the plans – along with a huge number of Rutland residents.
The simple reality is this planning application should now be refused – and the updated Ministerial Statement along with planning case law makes this absolutely clear.
Read the Ministerial Statement